
zaterdag 28 januari 2012

Day 28 - Archangel Oracle Card - Daily Message

Today I want to share the message of the card Sensitivity with you from my Archangel Oracle card deck from Doreen Virtue.

Vandaag wil ik de boodschap met jullie delen van de kaart 'Sensitivity'/'ontvankelijk zijn' uit het Archangel Oracle (Orakel van de Aartsengelen) van Doreen Virtue.

Aartsengel Haniël; 'Je bent op dit moment extra ontvankelijk voor allerlei energieën en emoties. Respecteer jezelf en je gevoelens.'
Archangel Haniel; 'You're extra sensitive to energies and emotions right now. Honour yourself and your feelings.'

Sensitivity is a beautiful and powerful gift, and there's no such thing as being 'too sensitive'.
Your sensitivity helps you know the truth about situations and people, and it's important for you to trust and follow these hunches, intuitions, and impressions.
Spend some time alone in nature to further develop your sensitivity.
Avoid harsh situations and chemicals. At home or at work, ask me to help you choose life-affirming foods, beverages, companions, and activities.
Know that it's safe for you to feel deep emotions, as they're a part of your sensitivity.
Visualize the two of us sealed in beautiful bluish-white light. This light dissolves any lower energies, transmuting them into love. The light also helps you distinguish between your own feelings and those of other people.

Working with Archangel Haniel: Haniel helps us honour our natural cycles, moods, and rhythms. She assists us in embracing all aspects of ourselves, including our strengths, setbacks, and shadows. Call upon her if you ever feel unsure, or bad about yourself. Haniel will help you appreciate yourself and see how beautiful you are right now.
*Description found on the blog 'Angel Wisdom' where Sharon Taphorn shares her messages on a daily basis.

Daily Message;

Invite us to come into your dreams to answer your questions and concerns.
While asleep, your mind is more open to Divine guidance.

Dagelijkse Boodschap;

Nodig ons uit in je dromen om antwoorden te krijgen op je vragen en je zorgen.
Als je slaapt is je geest meer open voor Goddelijke leiding.