
dinsdag 31 januari 2012

Day 31 - Angel Messages For You

I try to share Angel Messages on a daily basis from my own oracle cards of Doreen Virtue.

But if you don't have you own oracle card set and you still would like to get your own message, it's possible to do an online reading.

So I'm going to share some online readings with you


I just got this card; Listening from Sasha, the Angel Cards;

Listening: It's easy to get busy in life trying to do everything at once. You can listen and work at the same time but sometimes multi-tasking isn't the best use of our time. Sometimes we have to stop, look people in the eyes, and give them the gift of listening.

We need to take time to deposit value in their hearts. We need to support one another, and listening is an amazing way of doing just that.

As you go about your day, the angels remind you to give people the gift of listening. It seems like such a little thing, but those little deposits will eventually make a big difference. When you make deposits in people, you are making deposits in eternity, and that is what pleases the heart of God.

At this moment it's a really good card for me, because at this moment my daughter would love to talk to me, but I'm to busy with putting a new message on my blog.
So I'm going to stop doing this and LISTEN...

More online reading links will follow, Dutch translation and links too ;)

Angelic Love from Susan