
zaterdag 17 maart 2012

Day 77 - Acceptance 'Daily Guidance from Your Angels'

Today I've drawn an oracle card on my iPhone from the app; Daily Guidance from Your Angels.
Vandaag heb ik een kaart getrokken op mijn iPhone van de app; Daily Guidance from Your Angels.
Ik heb er even geen Nederlandse vertaling bij, die probeer ik zo snel mogelijk toe te voegen.


"See yourself and others through the eyes of the angels, with unconditional love and acceptance. In this way, you inspire and lift everyone to their highest potential."

You received this card to help your relationship with yourself and others. The next time you're tempted to judge yourself or someone else harshly, pray for their health and happiness instead. This more positive route builds self-esteem and harmony, and heals relationships.

Additional meanings for this card: Notice how much better you feel when you think positively about yourself and others - Don't try to control or change others - Let go of tendencies to force things to happen and you'll receive your desired (or better) outcome more peacefully - When one door closes, another one opens.

Angelic Love from Susan